Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Great Aunt!

Well on top of becoming a grandma, and I am now going to be a Great Aunt!  Dakota and Natasha announced at his birthday on Sunday that they are expecting a baby around the first of May.  I am so excited for them!  I know they are nervous because they are still trying to finish school, but I know that everything will work out. I am just so tickled to know that another baby is on the way.  I guess it is the season.

Amber surprised us all by showing up at Dakota's party, so I got more cuddle time with Kasen.  He is so precious.  Amber has caught a cold from someone and she says Kasen is sick too, but he didn't seem to be sick when I saw him.  I could hear in Amber's voice that she was isck though... no fun taking care of a baby when you are sick :(  I hope she gets feeling better soon.

While we were on our Labor Day vacation Jacob was finally able to feel Naomi kicking.  Now he says he can feel her every morning.  Kristi is finally looking more pregnant and looks so cute in her maternity tops.

EmmaLee and I went to see 'The Cokeville Miracle' on Saturday.  It's a true story about an elementary school in Wyoming that was targeted by a couple of homegrown nut cases with a bomb back in 1986.  I remember the event, but I had never heard the story that came out of it.  Such a touching movie and, from what I have read, the producers did an excellent job of capturing the story.  The bomb ended up being detonated accidentally, but the only people who died were the bombers.  All of the kids and teachers survived, and the stories the kids told were absolutely miraculous.  They told of angels being in the room, giving them instructions, being a barrier between the bomb/bombers and the kids, and leading them out of the school through the chaos.  Some of the children later pointed out the angels in family photo albums, as loved ones who had passed away, some of them well before the kids were even born, so the kids had never even known them.  It certainly builds your faith to hear of true stories like this.  Miracles do happen, prayer really works, and there really are loved ones on the other side who care about us.

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