
June 2019

I like making forts with you and Tai when I come to babysit :)

December 2017

I got to come down and spent time with you making a gingerbread house.


While I was down to attend Tai's blessing Kasen showed me how he can now jump and both feet leave the ground!  It was so cute to see him show everyone how he knows how to jump now. :)  When I was down there over Christmas he would go through the motions, but his feet would not leave the ground... it is amazing how fast they learn.

 Merry Christmas Kasen!  You get to celebrate with a new baby sister for Christmas!  I came to stay with you this week since your daddy had to work and your mommy is still recovering and taking care of baby Tai. You have learned how to use the word 'please' to wrap me around your finger.  "Pea, pea, pea" you would say as you would take my finger and lead me to what you wanted.  Whether it was to get you a treat, or to take me into your room to play, I was just tickled to see everything you wanted to do.  We would go in your room and you would pull my arm down to make me get down on the floor to play with you. You showed me all of your toys several times over during the two days that we played, I taught you how to jump in your bed

, we practiced learning how to jump on the floor, but you have not quite figured out how to take air. You liked having me put you in your crib where you would get your dinosaur and blankets and toss them all out.  You also liked to play catch with your beach ball and would throw it out of the crib every time I threw it in.  

I taught you how to put gas in your little cars, and you even learned how to make the 'shhhhh' sound that the gas makes when it's going into the car... lol

and was amazed at how your little fingers work to put tiny pieces together in your toy pliers.  You showed me how you could put your puzzles pieces in ... you even knew how to neigh for the horse, meow for the cat, and woof for the dogs.

  You really liked it when I would hold you and let you turn light switches on and off, or when I lifted you to the ceiling to touch the lights up there.
You also had fun crawling behind the tree to catch Meeko and laying on him to get a snuggle. 

 We also watched Curious George, read books, and played with your elephant.

June 2016

Kasen and Amber came to take me out for lunch.  Kasen and I had fun looking at the waterfall in the restaurant next door.

Kasen, I had so much fun playing with you and having you spend the night at my house last night.  We had a game night and you got to spend time with your aunts and uncles and you got to see your cousin Naomi some more.  You have been teething and have had a hard time sleeping.  The night before, your poor mommy had to get up with you 16 times!  And then you also kept waking up during the night at my house.  I got up with you one time and you seemed to find comfort in sucking on cold bottles of water... as the coolness went away I would trade the bottle out for another cold one. After a little while that would not pacify you any longer and you wanted your mommy again, so she pulled you into bed with her again to nurse you.  You still kept waking up through the night though, and between 5-6 am she got up 4-5 more times, so at 6 am I got up with you and all you wanted to do was play.  I laid on the dining room floor with you as you investigated all of the dining room, checking out the table and chair legs, then sitting in your play saucer for a little while.  Then you moved on to investigating the kitchen  where you had to touch everything you could reach, and you learned what it sounds like to bang wooden spoons on the floor.  Everything you touch you have to smack your hands against it to hear what it sounds like, or put it in your mouth to find out what it tastes and feels like in your mouth. After an hour and a half you finally started feeling tired again, so I made you a bottle, but you did not want the bottle....you wanted your mommy.  So she pulled you in to her bed again to nurse and you finally slept for 3 hours straight and gave your mommy a chance to get some sleep.  Your mommy loves you very much and does so much to take care of you.  I know you hate it when she washes your face, or tries to give you medicine, and you scream like you are being tortured, but someday you will appreciate how much she is doing to make sure you are taken care of.


You finally got to meet your new cousin today!  The whole family was together for Naomi's blessing and your mommy took some beautiful pictures of you and Naomi together.  You weren't quite sure what to do with her, but you were fairly gentle in absence of your knowledge of how to treat a newborn baby.


Merry Christmas Kasen! I had so much fun playing with you and spending the night at your house on Christmas Eve.  We went to see Christmas lights, watched "The Santa Clause", and you got new Christmas jammies!  The next morning you had fun opening Christmas presents and playing with your new rocking elephant and other toys. After opening your rocking elephant I put you in the box because you like to stand up and the box gave you support to stand up all by yourself.

I was shaking a bottle of water and for some reason you found it hilarious and would laugh and laugh as I shook the bottle or used it to tickle you.


Kasen I got to play with you today!  You showed me how you can roll over from your back to your tummy, and then tummy to your back, and and you were so happy to show how big and strong you are!  You laughed and laughed when I made silly noises for you, and you were so excited when I let you touch and kick at a balloon.  Here are some pictures we took at Aunt Kristi's baby shower.  Pretty soon you are going to have a wonderful little cousin to play with!


I don't know what happened, but somehow all of my entries about Kasen got replaced with all of my entries from my personal page :(  I will have to try and re-create them, but now that worries me because what if this is something that is going to recur and cause my blogs to disappear?  Do I need to start printing everything I write so that I have a backup copy?


Today  was a special day and so many people came just to see you!  Your daddy gave you a wonderful blessing.  He takes such good care of you while your mommy is recuperating.  He changes your diaper and carries you, and dresses you.  He loves you so much!

I made a blessing outfit for your special day and you look so handsome in it.

Uncle Josh's homecoming was today and your mommy and daddy came, but kept you pretty well hidden from the crowds at the reception.  I snuck down and held you for a little while, and apparently snoozed a little bit.


I got to hold my sweet little grandson for the first time today! Oh you are so precious... your quivering cry makes me want to just pat your back and let you know that everything is going to be just fine.  It took a long time for you to arrive, but we are all happy to have you here.  Your mommy worked so hard and was so tired by the time you were born.


Today I got to go see your mommy graduate from college.  She has worked so hard to finish her bachelors degree and she and your dad are going to be such a good examples of how important a good education is.  Now your mom can spend her last 6 weeks of pregnancy preparing for you and spending time with your daddy! Next week we will have a baby shower and get you so many gifts so that your mom and dad will have clothes, and books, and toys, and everything you need to be taken care of, kept safe, and have the chance to learn and grow.  They are going to be such special parents just for you!

Kasen I am so excited to get to meet you!   I talk to you inside your mommy's tummy and she tells me all about how much you are moving around in there.  I can't wait for you to come out so I can hold you and watch you grow.  You can come visit me sometimes and I will let you call me Grammy!  You know you have the best mommy and daddy and they are going to love you and teach you so much!

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