Monday, August 31, 2015

It's a Girl!

Jake and Kristi are positively expecting a little girl.  All of the parents were invited to an ultrasound where her gender was confirmed. Just waiting for her to grow now.

Today my thoughts about being a grandma are centered on my house in Brigham City.  Now that I know I will be moving into it soon, my mind is back on making it a nice place for family and grandkids to visit.  I think about how I want to decorate the grandkids' rooms and what furnishings I should get so that all of my kids will have a comfortable bed when they come to visit. I hope that all of my grandkids will appreciate how valuable family connections are.


  1. How soon do you think you will move to your house?! That is exciting!

    1. I received news this past weekend that my tenants are getting divorced and will be out of the house by the end of September. I am planning to move my RV up to the property as soon as we get back from our Labor Day weekend trip so that I can be on the property while they are in process of moving. The last time I was up there I was not very impressed with how the yards were being cared for after all the work we put in last summer to get the grass growing again, so I imagine I am going to have to catch back up on mowing and trimming. I'm excited. My living expenses will go up, so it slows down my goal of paying off some debt, but I don't want any more renters letting it go to weeds.
