

I was so happy to see you and see you playing with your cousins when you came to visit for Emma's wedding. You are getting so big and you are so smart!  I can't wait to see you when I come to Texas.


What a fun Christmas tradition!  We made gingerbread houses at cousin Parker's house and played with all of the cousins.You did such a good job decorating your gingerbread house.

Trip to the Zoo

December 2017

I got to come help you decorate your Christmas tree!

Happy Birthday!

Look at how big you are! Grammy got you a ride on toy for your birthday and as soon as Daddy got it put together you were driving it all over the place.  You found your bunny slippers from Easter and your Mommy said you had been wearing them all day and would not take them off.  You are so cute!

When we read books together you can point to all the things you know, and you love to look at the family pictures that are on the wall low enough for you to see.

Mommy says you are quite the climber and daredevil sometimes.  I think you are going to be very brave!


Look at how cute you were all dressed up for Halloween!

4th of July

We had so much fun for the 4th of July.  Grammy hosted a staycation for the family and we went to Crystal Hot Springs and Mantua Reservoir.  You were so cute in your swimming suit and you had fun playing with the water balloons with Kasen . 

 Visiting Grammy at Work

 Look who came to visit me at work!  It's so nice having you live close enough that I can even see you on my lunch breaks once in a while. 

 Grandma Hislop's Birthday

Grandma Hislop was so happy to see you at her birthday.  You are getting so big and strong.  I brought some Easter baskets for you and Kasen that you had fun getting in to. 

 Time at Grammy's House

Naomi, Grammy loves it when you come to visit!  I also have fun when I get to come to your house and you can show me all your toys and everything you are learning!  You and Kasen play so cute together and I know you are going to love being friends! 


I got to spend time with Naomi today as Jake and Kristi when out for Valentines Day.  We took a nice snooze in the recliner together, and Naomi was so good.  When she first arrived she was just looking all around the room and would not look at me, and then all of a sudden she made eye-contact with me and she started smiling and cooing and talking to me.  It was so cute to see how quickly she realized that I was a person she could engage and talk to.

When Jake and Kristi got back they made me dinner and we played games.  They even brought me flowers for Valentines Day :)


Naomi, today was your blessing day!  You have started to interact so much and wanted to look around and talk to everyone.  You looked so beautiful in your blessing dress and your daddy, Jacob, gave you such a beautiful blessing.  You also finally got to meet your cousin Kasen.  He was so fascinated with you and kept putting his hand over your face, but we also got a picture of him kissing you. (Actually, I think he was tasting you, as he is at the stage where he has to put everything in his mouth to check it out).


Grandma Sandy and I got to come visit you today. Grandma had not been able to see you yet as she had been sick, but she had so much fun holding you and seeing how much you are interacting.


So fun seeing this little girl.  She makes the funniest grunts and noises.

Happy New Year Naomi!  You have already changed so much in the week since you were born.  I love hearing the little noises you make and watching you look around.

Naomi, you are here!!  Merry Christmas! The one day I was not in town and you decided to make your appearance.  I spent the morning with your Aunt and Uncle Liddiard, and cousin Kasen, in Cedar City, and then I drove 5 hours over snowy roads to come see YOU! You are so tiny, and you made an unexpectedly quick appearance.  We were not planning on your arrival until Monday, as that was the day the doctor was going to induce you.

Naomi, there are just 7 more weeks until we get to hold you!  We had a baby shower for your mommy today and there were so many gifts just for you!  You are going to be so well taken care of by your mommy and daddy, and you will have plenty of warm clothes and toys and books to help you learn and grow.  Here is a picture of your mommy with cousin Kasen.  He can't wait to have you come play with him.


Naomi is what Jake and Kristi are planning to name this sweet little girl.

Naomi, I was so tickled to see your little hands moving inside your mom's tummy while we were watching the ultrasound.  You have two parents chosen just for you and I know they are going to be the best!  They love you and will teach you so much!

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