

Happy Birthday Tommy!  I got to come all the way to Texas to celebrate your first birthday with you!


I got to babysit the kids this evening before Jacob leaves for Texas and I enjoyed having Tommy interacting and cooing with me. The video I filmed is too big to post, but here are some photos.


A beautiful day for a baby blessing.  Tommy is doing well at holding up his head and is interacting more every day.  Naomi and Marc have settled in to having a new brother and we all love to cuddle with him.  I will miss all of them when they move away.

October 24, 2018

Tommy is here!  Thomas D. Forsyth made his debut on Oct 11th, over 3 weeks early.  5 lbs 12 oz and 18 1/2 inches long.  He is so tiny!

Grammy meeting Tommy for the first time.
So blessed to have this sweet little angel join our family.

Thomas D. Forsyth
Tommy and EmmaLee

Tommy and Great Grandma Hislop
Grandma Hislop, Tommy, Grammy, Marc, and Naomi

And of course, not long after Tommy arrived, Clark arrived.  9 lbs! Poor Natasha was carrying a baby almost as big as her! Clark Melvin Omar Taylor was born this morning in Washington.  I can't wait until Dakota and Natasha move here so we can meet their new little one.

Clark Melvin Omar Taylor

April 2018

We will be expecting our newest family member sometime before November 4, 2018.  Since Kristi has always delivered before her due date we anticipate that Thomas will likely be born sometime in October.  Shortly after Jake and Kristi announced their news, Dakota and Natasha announced that they are expecting a little boy in October as well, so Thomas will have another playmate his age.

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