Tai Lynn

December 2019

Happy Birthday Tai Lynn!

I had so much fun at your Frozen birthday party.  I loved all of the princess dresses that you got from Grandma and Grandpa Forsyth and the beautiful cake that that your mom made!


 I have not done a very good job of keeping up on my time with Tai, but today was a very fun day with Tai.  She knows me more now and likes to play with me.  Today at the zoo she wanted to hold my hand while we walked around, but it had to be my right hand.  At one point I was going too slow so she was trying to run and pulling my hand to get me to go faster... lol

We rode on the carousel and while standing in line she kept saying that she wanted to ride on the giraffe, so as soon as it was our turn we hurried to the giraffe.  However, when I went to put her up on it she suddenly got scared and did not want to put her legs over it to ride on it.  She sat with her arms wrapped tight around my neck.  We had to wait for a few minutes for the ride to start while the operator went around and checked everything, so by the time the ride was actually ready to start going she had relaxed enough to sit on the giraffe the right way.

At the end of the day I got her and Kasen some early Easter presents and let them pick out some stuffed animals that were on sale at the gift shop.  Tai Lynn picked a giraffe, and Kasen picked a snake.
Amber said they haven't put them down since they got home, and Tai even passed up sleeping with her 'Lo Phant to sleep with her giraffe.

Blessing Day

Tai was blessed on March 5th and it was a beautiful day.  A lot of family attended and Kyle and Amber fed us all french toast.  I went down the night before to help Amber.

Tai has grown so much since the last time I saw her and her eyes are the brightest blue.  Naomi's eyes were really bright blue at that age too, but hers have turned a darker hazel, so we'll see if Tai's stay this bright.

I made Tai's dress out of my wedding dress and I think it turned out really well.  The pearls at the neck and waist are real... they are from free necklaces that Amber and I got when we went on a cruise to the Bahamas together.  The pearls don't lay as straight as I would like, but they work.

 Tai is here!

Beautiful little Tai Lynn was born on December 10th.  I was up that morning around 11 am browsing Facebook and sent Amber a message asking if she wanted the piano and she messaged back "Mom! Where is your phone!?" Apparently my phone had died during the night and I had not gotten around to checking it.  When I turned on my phone I saw a series of messages from Amber:
       4 am - It's baby time! We are on our way to the hospital!
     10:30 am:  Baby Tai was born at 10:02 am.  We will let everyone know when they can come to the hospital.

Oops.... bad time for my phone to be dead.  I headed south, and even with missing out on the news and having so far to drive I still ended up being the first one to the hospital after they gave the ok.  I was so excited to meet the newest member of the family.  She was a almost as big as Kasen had been.  Poor Amber... she was going to try and do a natural birth as she thought this baby might be smaller, but she was not dilating very fast and did not think she could endure the pain that long if it was going to take several more hours to dilate, so she finally ordered an epidural.  However, while they were waiting for the anesthesiologist her body suddenly started dilating and by the time he got there and inserted the needle she was needing to push.  Tai was born before the epidural even took effect... at least Amber didn't have to feel the doctor stitching up her episiotomy though.

The next exciting moment after seeing Amber and Kyle welcome their new little girl, was to see Kasen's reaction to his new little sister.  He was so sweet from day 1, and he seemed to take it all in stride.  He has been around other babies before though, so I think that helped in him being so accepting to taking one home.

A couple weeks after Tai was born, after Kyle went back to work, I was able to go down and spend a couple of days playing with Kasen and keeping him entertained so that Amber would not have to be so overwhelmed while recovering. I was able to hold Tai some more and we put them in their Christmas outfits for Christmas photos, but most of my time was spent playing with Kasen.  He knows I am his play buddy now... lol

We postponed our family Christmas gathering until New Years Eve so that Amber could have a few weeks to recover. I tried to get Kasen, Tai, and Naomi to pose for a Christmas photo together in their Christmas outfits, but it was kind of a fail.  Kasen had been pictured-out from too many photo ops, and Tai started crying, so Naomi was the only one ok with getting her photo taken... lol  Oh well, it will be a funny photo to look back on.

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