Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Family Vacation 2018

Family vacation times appears to be my blog update time, so I will see how many posts I can add today to get everything updated.

Our vacation this year was to Bear Lake.  I took my camera, but I did not get it out a single time, so thank you to Amber and Kristi for taking pictures to remember our vacation.

The grand kids were old enough to do more playing this year and they enjoyed having their cousins to play with. We camped at the KOA in a little cabin with an extra tent put up out behind it.  The spot was nice and private at the end of a lane with a privacy fence.  The first evening we just settled in and had dinner and visited. 


Jake and Kyle grilling like they own it!

Tai Lynn making sure she keeps her antibodies on their
toes to fight all the germs she puts in her mouth... lol

The big yellow slide

The little yellow slide

Naomi on the big slide

Tai Lynn had issues with her shoes and usually did not want them on.

Flying down the slide

Kasen and Marc with Grammy

The next day we went to the park after breakfast and the kids had fun playing on the teeter-totter and spinning toy.  The kids and adults both had fun jumping on the giant pillow pad.

That afternoon we rented a speed boat and went out on the lake to play.  The water was such a beautiful turquoise color.  That is apparently from the special combination of minerals that exists in the lake. 
  Emmalee and Rivkah on the tube

Marc and Kristi

Grammy even got out on the tube! 

Grammy and EmmaLee

 Brave little Naomi let her dad take her out on the tube. Kyle pulled them very slowly and Naomi at one point even took her hands off the straps because she was so comfortable with the ride.

Tai Lynn took a ride as well. We were never able to convince Kasen to go out on the tube.

Amber and EmmaLee
Emmalee and Naomi

Marc & Jacob

Kristi and Naomi

Amber and Tai Lynn
Kyle and Kasen

Jake and Marc taking a nap


The kids' water bottles were never far away.

 On Tuesday after breakfast we took a walk to find some rocks and we painted memory rocks to remember our vacation.

Bear Lake memory rocks. We used some glow-in-the-dark paints, so hopefully they will actually glow.

Later in the day we got some free little craft kits from the KOA and the kids made little foam speed boats.

On Wednesday we rented a pontoon boat and went fishing in the afternoon.  Kasen was so excited to use his Toy Story fishing pole.  Kyle caught one fish, but since we did not catch any more we let it go at the end of the day.

Grammy did not have so much luck with trolling. 
Both days that we tried trolling her line got all twisted on itself.

Tuckered out

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