Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Woo hoo!  What a roller coaster night!  I have been watching and re-watching the election coverage and it is wonderful!  The American people did it!  We stopped the sure destruction that would have come and we elected a leader who will clean up Washington and actually get something done that helps America!  No, Donald Trump is not the most pristine and politically correct candidate, but he is the candidate who is willing to go toe to toe against those who are trying to destroy our country and I have faith that he will be on the right side of all of the battles American citizens are currently fighting against.

The Democrats thought they were going to have a landslide victory and that their candidate would be declared the winner by bedtime, but there were several battleground states that were just too close to call and it was not until after 2 am that President Trump was finally declared the winner.  Mainstream media has all been actively promoting the other candidate and have been attacking Trump non-stop since he announced his candidacy, and it was very satisfying to see the jaws drop on all the journalists when they realized the American voters were not accepting any of their FAKE NEWS full of omissions, lies and bias.  I am looking forward to seeing President Trump prove them all wrong and I believe he has the right policy ideas on how to re-energize the economy and "Make America Great Again". #MAGA

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