Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Grand baby #3 on the Way :)

We were all tickled to have our suspicions confirmed at Kasen's birthday party when his first present that he opened was a baby doll and a shirt that said "I'm going to be a big brother".  Not 5 minutes before that EmmaLee and I had been whispering our suspicions that Amber was pregnant.  I had been suspicious since Evva's blessing when I thought it look like Amber had gained a little bit of a tummy since running her 5k marathon in March.  She is due December 18th.  She mentioned that she had planned to not have a baby until January or February, but she got pregnant a lot quicker than expected after she stopped birth control. So happy for them.

Other good news includes that Kyle accepted a position with the Unified Police Department and they will be moving to Utah County in a couple of weeks.  It will be so nice to have them closer to us.  They will live with Kyle's parents while he is in training.  They will look for a home, and they are hoping to be in a place of their own before the baby is born after Kyle gets assigned to his area.  Unified covers a large area in Salt Lake County, and they are hoping he gets assigned someplace that will allow them to live in Utah County rather than Salt Lake County.

Jacob and Kristi put an offer on a home in Roy, near Clinton, and the offer was accepted, so they are hoping to close within the month on that house.  It's a really nice 4 bd home, and since the owners are leaving the country they are leaving most all of the furnishings.  Very sweet deal. I hope that getting the loan closed goes smoothly for them.

On a sad note, my mom broke her foot while I was gone on my vacation and had surgery a couple days ago to have a plate and pins put in it.  She crashed on her bicycle when Ginger crossed in front of her.  The doctor has assured her that she will not be left crippled or having to use a cane, which was her big fear, but she has 6 weeks of no-weight-bearing ahead of her.  Sandy and I need to step up and make sure we visit and check on her frequently.  We both were at the hospital when she came out of surgery and she seemed well then, but she was still under nerve blocks, so I hope she has been able to keep her pain under control since then.

I have been pondering a lot more lately about the importance of family relationships.  It is sad that some people are so bitter and hard-hearted that they do not accept what a blessing their family could be in their life.  I know there was a time when my kids felt that I was putting my friends too high on my priority list, and my siblings and I thought the same of my mom at one point, but I think most people come to the realization at some point that it is family who will be there until your last breath and who are the most important.  I am so thankful for the closeness I enjoy with my children, and for the closeness I have been able to have with my mom in these past few years since I moved closer to Ogden.  I have always told my kids I would never try to put guilt trips on them for needing to spend time on other aspects of their lives, but I have been pleased that they all have placed a high priority on making time for family events.

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