Saturday, December 31, 2016

Christmas/New Year 2016

 We postponed our Christmas party this year until New Years Eve to give Amber a chance to recover after having Tai Lynn.  I loved just hanging out and having fun with my family.  I got Naomi a talking Elmo, and I got Kasen a battery operated 4 wheeler.  I was slightly worried that maybe he was too young for a toy like that, but it was hilarious watching him learn how to drive it.  I have wood floors, so he was able to go the length of the living and dining room and he took to it immediately.  He obviously needed more experience learning to steer it though, so we had to do a few quick saves to stop him from running into things or running into Naomi.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Grand Baby #4 on the Way!

Our family is so blessed!  Jake and Kristi announced a couple of months ago that they are expecting again, and at Naomi's birthday party last night we found out that they are expecting a little boy!  The due date is May 27, 2017. 

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Grand baby #3 arrived

Beautiful grand baby #3 arrived this morning!  Tai is almost as big as Kasen was even though she was 11 days early.  Looking forward to getting to know this beautiful little girl.  I have loved watching Kasen and Naomi blossom into inquisitive toddlers running around, grasping more and more language every day, and developing relationships with their parents and extended family.  My kids and their spouses are such wonderful parents and I am so happy to see my grand kids getting such a great start in life.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Woo hoo!  What a roller coaster night!  I have been watching and re-watching the election coverage and it is wonderful!  The American people did it!  We stopped the sure destruction that would have come and we elected a leader who will clean up Washington and actually get something done that helps America!  No, Donald Trump is not the most pristine and politically correct candidate, but he is the candidate who is willing to go toe to toe against those who are trying to destroy our country and I have faith that he will be on the right side of all of the battles American citizens are currently fighting against.

The Democrats thought they were going to have a landslide victory and that their candidate would be declared the winner by bedtime, but there were several battleground states that were just too close to call and it was not until after 2 am that President Trump was finally declared the winner.  Mainstream media has all been actively promoting the other candidate and have been attacking Trump non-stop since he announced his candidacy, and it was very satisfying to see the jaws drop on all the journalists when they realized the American voters were not accepting any of their FAKE NEWS full of omissions, lies and bias.  I am looking forward to seeing President Trump prove them all wrong and I believe he has the right policy ideas on how to re-energize the economy and "Make America Great Again". #MAGA

Sunday, September 11, 2016


So the past couple of months have been a roller coaster of emotions because of some significant family events, and when I finally get a minute to write, what do I write about?  That's right... not family, but politics and world events.

I guess I just feel like there will be plenty of family history passed down, but what do I really want my descendants to know about the world I live in and what I think about it? Today is 9/11. Fifteen years ago Islamic Terrorists boarded 4 U.S. airplanes full of passengers, and crashed them into 4 locations including both World Trade Center towers, the Pentagon, and one that crashed into a field before it reached its destination of the Capital.  Thousands of innocent people were killed, and thousands of children were orphaned through this unprovoked and malicious attack on Americans.  For kids entering high school this year, 9/11 happened before they were born.  For me it was like yesterday.

The reason why I feel so compelled to make sure I record this is because there is already starting to be a movement to wash the significance of this event from history books, or worse, to blame the wrong people for this tragedy.  This is due to President Obama's Muslim heritage and his efforts to whitewash the Muslim connection to terrorism and get Americans to accept them into our society.  I want my grandchildren to know that no matter who may tell you differently, whether in school, or text books, or journalism reports or whatever sources there are in another 15,20, 40, 60, or 200 years from now, the truth is that it was Islamic Terrorists who did this and many other acts of terrorism throughout my life.  It was not the U.S. government as some twisted conspiracy theorists are trying to claim, and it was not by some random terrorists whom politically correct activists refuse to name as Muslim.  (Islamic followers are called Muslim).  Yes there are some Muslims who are peaceful, but the fact remains that this religion has spawned violence for hundreds of years, from its very inception.  By their fruits shall ye know them.  No matter how many peaceful Muslims there are, the world needs to always be on guard, because the innocent peaceful children of Muslims today, will be the terrorists of tomorrow. The same Quran that the terrorists follow is the same Quran that peaceful Muslims follow.  It teaches of jihad, and preaches "kill the unbelievers wherever you may find them".

I realize that taking a stand like this is ironic, given the fact that there are similar situations with my own religion, where apostates have formed their own religious following that is not recognized as being a part of our church.  Regardless of that similarity though, no other religions or fanatical religious groups have been know throughout history for the level of violence against innocent people such as demonstrated by Islam. All Christian religions are founded on Christ, who was a perfect person who preached love and forgiveness, and regardless of the followers who are imperfect humans, there is nothing about Christ than can be perceived as evil.  Islam, on the other hand, was founded on Mohammed, who murdered thousands, raped women and little girls, and enslaved people, and then preached that all of that is good and that absolutely anything to force Islam to be the only religion of the world is what his followers are to do, including lying, deceiving, murdering, and whatever else is necessary. In Islamic countries today women are oppressed, slavery and human trafficking is rampant, and gay people and Christians can be punished by death.  The Muslim people who are already in the United States are pushing to have their own Sharia courts and Sharia law implemented where they live, which laws conflict with our own constitution, and every city where that has been pushed has enacted legislation that the only laws recognized in the United States are those formed through U.S. governments.

What makes me even more sick to my stomach is that religious freedom has been taken away on so many fronts in the U.S., yet there is a big push to be tolerant of Muslims and to teach about their religion in our children's schools.  How is that ok?  Christians are fighting all over the world to maintain their rights, and western governments are bending over backwards to accommodate Muslims?  There is starting to be a lot of backlash however.  In June the United Kingdom barely got a vote through called Brexit, in which Great Britain exited the European Union, and the main drive behind that was that citizens did not want to be subject to the EU forcing them to open their borders to unlimited numbers of Muslim refugees.  France and Germany's leaders have accepted hundreds of thousands Muslim refugees and those countries have been rocked with several bombings, terrorist attacks, and constant problems of refugees sexually assaulting women.  The Muslim men have no concept of respecting women. Well Germany got a wake up call this week when its leader, Merkel, was soundly defeated in their elections and she finally admitted that it was a huge mistake to force Germany to accept all of these refugees.  Now I am hoping that the United States can defeat and get out of office those who seek to destroy our nation in the same manner.  Enough is enough.

I just don't understand why all these western countries are pushing so hard to integrate these vastly different cultures.  The only way to get two really different groups to integrate, is if one group is willing to assimilate to the other's culture.  Muslim's are refusing to assimilate to the western cultures, and have in fact made demands to have the western cultures change on their behalf.  People in their own home country should not have to change.  This is our home... you either accept how Americans live or go back to where you came from.  Five of the wealthiest Muslim nations have not taken in a single Muslim refugee... why is that?  It seems to me that Muslim refugees would integrate more successfully in countries where Islam is already the dominant religion.

The rumors floating around are that through years and years of manipulation, and control in the United Nations, a globalist mentality has infiltrated at the highest levels of world politics, and there is a push by some wealthy elite (one of which is George Soros, who is an evil evil man) and from the UN to have all member nations accept and implement this whole list of measures to make life more fair for all people in the entire world.  Basically, what that means, is that all the richest nations in the world are going to be brought down several notches so that all the poorest countries can be given more, and the economies and populations will be manipulated by the UN to achieve these goals.  Sounds like a noble idea until it's actually implemented.  This step of trying to move Muslim refugees into all the great countries, and turn them into hell-holes like the countries where they came from, is having some serious backlash.  And of course, what this ignores is that the reason most of the poor nations are in the state they are is because of bad forms of government, corruption, bad leaders, bad decisions, and wars, which now is coming to the successful nations.  It seems to me that if you are going to try and make the whole world better, then the best way to do it is to implement those practices that made the great countries so great.  You don't make everyone better by implementing the the practices of the worst countries.  The United States has proven to be the best country in the world through choosing Capitalism and Freedom over other forms of controlling governments, and entrepreneurs have abounded and the economy has grown through people's abilities to achieve without constraint. Now there is a push among some in the U.S. to implement more socialist ideas.  Socialism never has worked... failure after failure throughout the history books (at least throughout my history books... the history books my grand kids see may have altered and whitewashed history).  Even now we can see firsthand as Venezuela struggles to keep bread on the shelves and people are starving because of the corruption of socialism.  Government is not capable of managing the basics of life, and is more inclined to keep all the money for those in the government than actually accomplish what they are supposed to accomplish.  The 1% leaders at the top stay wealthy, and live like kings, the middle class is made more poor, and all of the peons will never have the opportunity to make life better for themselves because the government controls all aspects of their lives.  How on earth is this good, and why on earth would anyone support a concept like that? People who work harder and seek to live better deserve what they achieve.  Life is not like one of those little league games where every child gets a trophy just for showing up.  It's more like the Olympics, where those who have put in excessive work reach their goals.  I don't want to live in a bass-ackwards world where the gold medal is handed to the losers. No one will try to achieve anything then.

This world has gotten so crazy.  Just as was foretold... wrong is being declared right, good is being declared bad, and evil is being declared righteous. Don't fall for it.  Don't fall for the line that the government will take care of you.  Wherever possible, take a stand and refuse government help.  Independence, hard work, integrity, and reliance on God will take you farther than any government.