Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas! And welcome Naomi! Beautiful little angel made her appearance on Christmas morning.  We are all so thankful that everything went well and all the travels of the day were safe on the snowy roads.  I was in Cedar City when this little darling made her debut, so I had to wait several hours before I could see her, but Jacob was keeping us posted.  On Christmas Eve I texted them and asked if there were any signs of imminent labor and they said nothing any different from the past couple of weeks.  Then about 6-7 hours later I got a call at 1 in the morning that her water had broken.  For a first time labor it went very quickly and she was born at 5:31 am.  She is very tiny, weighing only 6 lbs 6 oz, and 20 inches long.

Jacob and Kristi celebrated Christmas and opened all of their presents later that evening, but their most special present was Naomi.

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