Monday, August 31, 2015

It's a Girl!

Jake and Kristi are positively expecting a little girl.  All of the parents were invited to an ultrasound where her gender was confirmed. Just waiting for her to grow now.

Today my thoughts about being a grandma are centered on my house in Brigham City.  Now that I know I will be moving into it soon, my mind is back on making it a nice place for family and grandkids to visit.  I think about how I want to decorate the grandkids' rooms and what furnishings I should get so that all of my kids will have a comfortable bed when they come to visit. I hope that all of my grandkids will appreciate how valuable family connections are.

Monday, August 3, 2015

More news on Grand Baby #2

I am not allowed to share this on Facebook yet, but I think I am safe to share it here where I have a limited audience.  Jacob and Kristi stopped by this evening to let me know they had been to the doctor today and the ultrasound technician is 90% sure that they are expecting a girl!  So excited for them!  No names are set in stone yet, but one they are strongly pondering is Naomi Jane.