Friday, June 19, 2015

6/17/2015 Kasen is Here!

Kasen finally made his grand debut 1 week over due on June 17, 2015.  Amber was scheduled to go in Wednesday morning to be induced, but she knew from around 2 am that she was already in labor, so he would have been born that day even if she weren't induced.  Everyone is so so excited to have a baby in the family.  I went down Tuesday night and stayed the night at their house, and then went to the hospital around 9 AM to see how things were progressing.  Kyle was keeping updates going out to everyone in groups texts until around 9:30 AM, and then he needed to put the phone down and really give attention to helping Amber.  From that point, every time I got an update from one of the nurses I would relay it to EmmaLee, and she would relay it to the group through texts since my phone would not reply to the group.  They had Amber pushing for about 3 hours straight as he was still quite high in her pelvis.  Then he was positioned kind of posterior (face up) for a little while and they were trying to get him to turn face down.  They had Amber lie on her side through a few contractions and he finally turned.  He was so big though that she was still having a hard time pushing him out.  They finally gave her he option of either an emergency c-section or using the vacuum.  She opted to try the vacuum, so they attached a vacuum suction to the back of his head and she only had to push through a few more contractions and he was born.  He had a big bruised spot on the back of his head that was really tender the rest of the day.  He weighed 9.9 lbs and was 20.5 inches long.  Big strong boy!

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