Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Good News

Jacob called me today to let me know Kristi had passed her test... of course with graduation right around the corner I assumed he meant a test at school, as he intended me to think (the little trickster), but then he followed up with the clarification that she passed her pregnancy test!  Yes they are pregnant again!  She's only a couple of weeks along again, so we are all praying for them to have this one carry.  I'm so happy for them and I'm so happy for the family to once again be able to enjoy the excitement of two babies on the way.

Amber had her latest ultrasound at 31 weeks and Kasen is measuring ahead of schedule, so she is hoping he comes a little early.  I was amazed at the detail they can pick up in ultrasound pictures these days... look at that cute little face!

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