Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Kohen Has Arrived!

Amber went into the hospital on Wednesday the 5th at 10:30 AM to start her induction.  I was at the hospital that afternoon to meet up with Emma for dinner when I found out that Kohen had just been delivered at 5:16 PM.  Of course I could not go see any of them and was only down in the lobby, but it was still exciting. He is their smallest baby so far, weighing in at 8 lbs 10 oz. and 21 inches long.

Since Keslee is still at the hospital Emma was able to stop in and visit with Amber that evening. I am looking forward to when they are all home so I can go love on all of them!

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Keslee Has Arrived!

Beautiful little Keslee Pyle arrived today at 12:18 PM.  She weighs 6 lbs 2 oz. and is 19.68 inches long, and has beautiful red hair.  Baby, Mom, and Dad are all doing well, except that Keslee has a small hole in her lung causing air to collect in her chest cavity.  It will go away on its own, but she will need to be in the nicu for a few days.  Only the dad's are allowed at the hospital, so I will not be able to hold her until they go home. 

While Keslee was being born, Jacob's company (SpaceX) was in process of bringing home the Dragon spaceship with our first American astronauts launched into space from American soil in something like 13 or 16 years. They had a successful launch on May 30th and have been up at the International Space Station the past two months.  I told Emma I was going to give Keslee the nickname of Dragon in honor of their successful return to earth just as Keslee was being born... lol Keslee made her debut 20 minutes before Bob and Doug splashed down.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

It's a boy!

Amber found out this past week that their baby is a boy!  His name will be Kohen.  Emma and Mike have not yet decided on a name for their baby girl.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Two More Babies!

I am so excited that we have two more babies on the way in our family.  EmmaLee and Amber are due within 4 days of each other on August 8th and August 12th respectively.

Emma and Mike announced the news at our Christmas Polar Express outing, and then we found out a few weeks ago that the baby is a girl!

Amber announced a few weeks later and they will not find out the gender until early April.