Sunday, July 7, 2019


I decided to resume my traditional camping trip for my birthday, although I was not able to go until July 4th, and I only took a couple of pictures with my phone, so I stole some of Amber's photos.  The only frustrating thing about the weekend is that with the exploding population in Utah all of our recreation areas are shoulder to shoulder people every time you try to go find someplace to relax.  Even with a reservation system we still ended up hopping around to different camp spots each night because I could not find a spot that I could reserve for the entire time.  I was also frustrated because there was a grant deadline at work so I ended up having to go home the evening of the 7th instead of the morning of the 8th as I had originally planned. We did catch fish up at Silver Lake Flats though, so that made the trip worth it.  I think that was the favorite part for the kids.  Kasen and Tai also liked when Amber and I played hide and seek with them.